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Teresa Buczkowska

A black-and-white headshot of a woman with long, dark curled hair. She wears a dark-colored top with stars. Behind her are three graphic circles: one dark blue, one red, and one white.

Integration Manager, Immigrant Council of Ireland


As a migrant woman living in Ireland, Teresa Buczkowska served as the Integration Manager at the Immigrant Council of Ireland, a national organization working to protect and advance the human rights of migrants and their communities. Teresa is focused on building migrant leadership as a long term strategy for addressing inequality and to strengthen migrants’ ability to play a meaningful role in programs and policy decisions that impact their lives. She has delivered voter education and mobilization workshops to 2,500 people and has led leadership development programs to provide migrant communities with the skills to become active participants in their local governments. She also works directly with migrant leaders to support their growth, amplify their political visions, and provide them with opportunities to share their insights with elected officials. Through her work, voter registration in migrant communities has increased and two successful policy campaigns have changed immigration policy in Ireland.

Teresa is a board member of the Arts Council of Ireland and is a member of the Steering Committee of the Transatlantic Migrant Democracy Dialogue. Teresa holds a master’s degree in social anthropology and ethnology from Jagiellonian University in Poland and a Professional Diploma in human rights and equality from the Institute of Public Administration in Ireland. Teresa is a recipient of the Social Change Initiative Fellowship.