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Nishit Shukla

A black-and-white headshot of a man smiling at the camera. He has short, dark hair and a full beard. He wears a light-colored button-up shirt and a dark suit jacket. Behind him are three graphic circles: one medium blue, one light blue and one white,

Co-Founder, ReHive


Nishit Shukla is the Co-Founder of ReHive, an optimized fundraising platform that helps climate adaptation innovators raise capital. ReHive’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to a climate-resilient reality for under-resourced communities. In his home country, India, climate extremes are rising and becoming more intense and frequent than ever before. While effective adaptation innovations exist, climate finance, the lever needed to support and scale these innovations is significantly skewed towards climate mitigation solutions such as solar and electric vehicles that don’t necessarily tackle these climate extremes today. ReHive takes the first step towards creating such a shift by curating impact-driven investors and high-potential startups, facilitating their interactions, and enabling seamless investments.

Nishit is pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy.

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More University of Chicago Scholars 2022-2023

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Two women are hugging each other at an event. The first woman's face is obscured from the camera. She has dark hair and is wearing a black shirt and black pants. The second woman is turned towards the camera and smiling. She  has a deep olive complexion, long dark hair, and is wearing a red jacket with black pants. Behind them, a woman in a blue dress stands off to the side.

More About the Scholars Program

The Obama Foundation Scholars program gives rising leaders from around the world who are already making a difference in their communities the opportunity to take their work to the next level.

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